It is possible to download my cv in a short and a more complete versions, this later with my experience as arbitrator provided in detail. No CV is enough to inform about a possible choice of an arbitrator. Please feel free to contact me by email if more or deeper information about my practice is deemed necessary or convenient.
University of Coimbra:
University of Lisbon:
University Nova of Lisbon:
University ISCTE (Lisbon):
ISDE (Madrid) and Columbia Law School (NY)
Institutional Activity as Lawyer
Institutional Activity
Rosters and Panels of Arbitrators
Professional Arbitration Experience
More than 40 years of experience in litigation and arbitration, as Founding Partner of PLMJ (the largest Portuguese law firm, also present in Africa and Asia) covering almost all the fields of law (International Contracts and Investments Public and Private Law, Public Procurement, Insurance and Banking, Construction, Oil & Gas and Energy, Concession contracts, Corporate Law, Environment, Real Estate, Hospitality and Tourism, Life Sciences, Mining, PPP’s, Constitutional).
During his practice as lawyer, he accumulated large experience working for private and state controlled entities in areas related with different fields of practice.
As Counsel in Arbitration: more than 80 UNCITRAL, ICC, OHADA, ICSID and NAI, ad hoc national and international arbitrations, since 1979 (international contracts, transport, public procurement, public concession contracts, agency and distributorship, energy, oil & gas, construction and zoning, banking, finance and insurance, investment disputes, hospitality and tourism, labor, shareholder agreements and corporate, mining and industrial law, M&A, media and telecommunications). Applicable laws: Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Cap-Vert, Portugal, S. Tomé and Príncipe, Spain, France, Nederland, Guinea Conakry, BIT’s and International Law.
As Arbitrator: since 1997, more than 70 ICC, ICSID (ad hoc Committee), Permanent Court of Arbitration (The Hague), LCIA, Brazil-Canada Arbitration Centre (CCBC), ad hoc/UNCITRAL, Cámara de Madrid, CAIP (Chambre d’Arbitrage Internacional de Paris), Lisbon and Oporto Arbitration centres, national and international arbitrations, as coarbitrator, sole-arbitrator (6) and Chairman (47), submitted to Brazil, Angola, Spain, France, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia, Portugal, BITs and International Law (oil & gas, energy, construction, agency and distributorship, insurance, transport, banking and finance, international contracts, mining, tourism, ppp’s, telecommunications, investment disputes, public procurement, public concessions, pharmaceutical and patents, mining, hospitality, golf and resort management, BIT disputes, etc) (see more details on some of these cases below).
The seat of the arbitration he chaired, or in which he is or has been co-arbitrator are S. Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Luanda, Madrid, Barcelona, London, Zurich, Genève, Paris, Brussels, The Hague, New York, Washington, Santiago (Chili), Lisbon and Oporto.
From the 1st January 2020 he is only active as Independent Arbitrator and legal expert.
Publications: Capital Markets in Portugal (1994); Securities Law, Portuguese Chapter (1996); Takeover Portuguese Law (1996); “Direito do Petróleo” (2013), “100 years landmark international arbitral decisions (2016), Portuguese Arbitration Law – A commentary (4d edition 2019)
Various conferences held and articles published in Portugal, Cap Verde, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Peru, Spain, Germany, South Korea, France, Argentina, USA, UK, Costa Rica, on litigation and arbitration, construction and PPP’s, investment treaties, oil and gas, consumer law, class actions, public law, contracts, capital markets, business law, etc.
Some of these publications, articles and scripts of conferences are available at
As Professor he teaches Arbitration and Dispute Resolution (International Commercial Arbitration), Energy and Politics and Business Law.
Star Individual in Chambers Directory (Dispute Resolution) and Tier 1 in the more relevant directories. Tier 1 in Chambers Most in demand Arbitrators. Received in July 2019 the Chambers Lifetime Achievement Award (the second Portuguese awarded ever)
Order of the Légion d’Honneur (France) and of Henri the Navigator (Portugal)
Languages Spoken
Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. He acts as President of international arbitration tribunals in which the language was one of these, some of them bilingual cases.