José Miguel Júdice

Arbitration by José Miguel Júdice

Once a linguistic professor explained to me that “misleading” or “ambivalent” words are a dangerous game but at the same time a road for innovation and progress. Since I left my practice as counsel, I consider myself to be “independent arbitrator”. Each and all the arbitrators must be independent. So, the word appears to be ambivalent or misleading as it stresses what is common ground in our activity. Yes, but I have no better choice to emphasize that being arbitrator is my professional activity and not only one among others; that I don’t answer to clients and will not have any client in the future; that my only god is now the duty to settle disputes without any conflict of interest that might arise in the future. Yes, probably “focused arbitrator” would be ok… if not also misleading.

Arbitration by José Miguel Júdice

Once a linguistic professor explained to me that “misleading” or “ambivalent” words are a dangerous game but at the same time a road for innovation and progress. Since I left my practice as counsel, I consider myself to be “independent arbitrator”. Each and all the arbitrators must be independent. So, the word appears to be ambivalent or misleading as it stresses what is common ground in our activity. Yes, but I have no better choice to emphasize that being arbitrator is my professional activity and not only one among others; that I don’t answer to clients and will not have any client in the future; that my only god is now the duty to settle disputes without any conflict of interest that might arise in the future. Yes, probably “focused arbitrator” would be ok… if not also misleading.


March 2025

José Miguel Júdice to speak at XIII Encontro Internacional de Arbitragem de Coimbra

From April 3rd to 5th, the XIII Encontro Internacional de Arbitragem de Coimbra (EIAC 2025) will take place. José Miguel Júdice will speak on its second day, at Coimbra University (Colégio da Trindade), in the session  “From the exhaustion of the juris...
January 2025

José Miguel Júdice will participate in the Iberian Arbitration Dialogues in Porto

José Miguel Júdice will be one of the speakers at the first edition of the Iberian Arbitration Dialogues, an event organized by the Portuguese Chapter of the Club Español y Iberamericano de Arbitraje and the Portuguese Arbitration Association. The ev...
January 2025

José Miguel Júdice has been nominated as a Council Member for the ICC Institute of World Business Law

José Miguel Júdice has been nominated for an additional  three years mandate as one of the 50 Council Members of the ICC Institute of World Business Law. The ICC Institute is a leading international  institution for the advancement of Bu...
November 2024

José Miguel Júdice Leads Advanced Training on Interest in International Arbitration at the 22nd ICC Miami Conference

On December 1, 2024, as part of the annual ICC conference in Miami, there will be a full-day Advanced Training session by the ICC Institute of World Business Law on interest in international arbitration. José Miguel Júdice, a member of the I...
November 2024

José Miguel Júdice to be the Keynote Speaker at the Conference 'The Arbitral Court: Justice in Alternative Jurisdiction'

On November 21, 2024, at 2:30 PM, the conference "The Arbitral Court: Justice in Alternative Jurisdiction" will take place at the Palácio da Bolsa, organized by the Institute of Commercial Arbitration. José Miguel Júdice will be the keynote speaker, s...
September 2024

José Miguel Júdice is the keynote speaker at the conference "Promoting and Protecting Foreign Investment in Angola"

The  Council for Investment Arbitration of the Portuguese Arbitration Association will host an international conference titled "Promoting and Protecting Foreign Investment in Angola." The event will take place in Lisbon, October 16, 2024, at the ...

José-Miguel Júdice Reappointed to KCAB INTERNATIONAL's Arbitrators Panel

The KCAB INTERNATIONAL (a division of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board) has renewed once more, and until May 2027, the participation of José-Miguel Júdice in its Panel of International Arbitrators. He is also a member of panels of arbitrators in E...
October 2023

José Miguel Júdice Debates Arbitral Awards at 3rd ICC Iberian Arbitration Day in Lisbon

On November 17, 2023, José Miguel Júdice will participate in the 3rd ICC Iberian Arbitration Day , hosted by ICC Portugal ,  ICC Spain and the ICC International Court of Arbitration.    José Miguel Júdice will speak in a session titled "Arbit...
September 2023

Julián Garcerant Fuentes strengthens the Arbitration team at Júdice Resolução de Litígios

Julián Garcerant Fuentes's academic path has taken him through four different countries. During his undergraduate studies in Law at Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá, Julián had the opportunity to undertake two academic exchanges in Lisbon and Ma...

"Sources praise his knowledge, proactivity and prowess in interrogations."

Chambers Global 2019
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